The Practice

Learn more about our practice based service

Learning the rhythms of a faith that transforms

It's easy to go to church in much the same way we go to the movies - to watch, to form an opinion about the sermon or the music, and to leave unchanged.

But Jesus invites us into a life of constant transformation through an intimate relationship with him and participation in his Kingdom.

At The Practice, we gather together around the communion table. We engage in worship through music, readings, and prayer. And we learn about and practice a spiritual discipline together to help us grow deeper in our relationship with God.

In our busy world, it is essential that we take time away from the distractions to centre ourselves in Christ and give us space to seek his direction in our lives. Join us at The Practice so that together we can learn the rhythms of a faith that transforms.

Gather for The Practice

Wednesday, November 6th @7pm

Help at The Practice

At The Practice we like to include as many people as we can throughout the service for readings and serving communion. If you are interested in helping please leave your name below and we will add you to the rotation.
