
Say hello to the leadership team at Evergreen Heights

Meet Our Staff Team

Say hello to the leadership team at Evergreen Heights.

Got questions for the lead team at Evergreen? Contact us by clicking here.

Stephen Sesink - Lead Pastor

If you would like to set up a time to connect with Pastor Stephen, whether for coffee, counseling, to chat, or to ask some questions, click "Set Up an Appointment" below.

Set Up An Appointment

Tamille Richardson - Associate Pastor

Kelly Lubbers - Daycare Director

Meet Our Elders

Kate Bishop-Williams

Brian Elder

Doug Howard


Twila Smith

Jay Woodley


Meet our Deacons

Amy Woodley - Welcome Ministries, Michelle Maltais - Missions, Patricia Vehof-Visser - Life Transformations, Michelle Snively-Jefferies - Care Ministries, Beth Afman - Spiritual Formation