Jr. High Sunday School
Our Jr. High students meet twice a month during the Sunday service for a time to hang out and learn together (and of course there's always cereal for all!)
In 2023/2024, the group will be meeting on the the following Sundays:
March 10
March 24
April 14
April 28
May 12
May 26
June 9
June 16
Youth Unlimited Jr. High Program
Jr. High Youth at Evergreen are invited to join our ministry partner, Youth Unlimited for their Jr. High Youth program!
When? Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm
Where? Simcoe Gospel Chapel (4152 Highway 3, Simcoe)
What? This is a great social program for grades 6, 7, & 8. Those who attend will be loved and challenged to hear, read and understand a relationship with Jesus through scripture and experiences. This age group is spontaneous and fun, we will have unique, standard and skill-building games and activities and this evening usually ends with a game of dodgeball. If you would like more information please email Daniel Avey. Email: [email protected]