Arrive at church at 9:30 Sunday mornings.
Making people feel welcome and encouraged to be in the building again, and loved as a part of our church family.
Hall Monitor
Currently we have a system set up that whoever functions as the greeter for the morning, then transitions into the hall monitor for the kids programing. The hall monitor walks the hallway between the front door, and the children’s classrooms for the duration of the service. The job is to be available to the teachers and kids if needed, for things like bathroom trips, going to get a parent, or an extra set of hands if needed.
The hall monitor also keeps an eye on the front door during the service, simply to make sure no one enters the child care portion of the building without the proper permissions.
Hub Greeter
Welcoming new attendees and/or visitors. Get their contact information if they’re willing to share it and answer any general questions they may have.
Help to register new kids into the kids’ programs, including forms for the parents to fill out.
Help already registered families sign their kids in (if they need help)
Connecting people to areas of ministry including other events if needed.
Having things available such as website details, offering envelopes, connection cards, etc.
Again, the biggest part here is to make people feel welcome and excited about the ministries at