Infinitum Family Resources

Discipling our Kids in the Ways of Jesus

Practicing Infinitum with Children

Can you imagine what could happen in the church and in our world if the next generation of Christians understood that following Jesus is all about loving God and loving others, and that this takes shape as they embody the postures of surrender, generosity, and mission?

The Posture Prayer is a great resource to use with your children. Try going through this prayer as a family in the morning, and then looking for opportunities to discuss or act on the postures as you go about your day. For example, what opportunities might God open up for you to be generous later on in the day? Talk about it and live it out as a family!


You can adapt the prayer in whatever way you feel would be best to put it into a language that your child would understand. Infinitum has teamed up with The Meeting House and developed a resource that you can use as a starting point for developing a format that works well for your family.

You can download it here:

Pastor Tamille has provided an example of how she has practiced this prayer with her nephew Ethan, who is five years old and full of energy! Check it out:

Practicing an Examen with Children

The Examen is a spiritual practice that is designed to help us become more aware of God's presence in our daily lives. While younger children aren't yet ready to practice a traditional examen, you can have conversations with them that can help them see how God was working throughout their day.

Try having a time of sharing at dinner time or before bed. Here are some questions that you might want to try discussing as a family. Don't try to get through all of them - choose one or two questions to lead into a meaningful time of conversation and prayer.

  • What was the best part of your day? Let's thank God for that!
  • What was the worst part of your day? Let's ask God for his help with that.
  • What happened today? When were you happy? When were you sad?
  • Did you notice anybody sharing today? Did you have the chance to share?
  • Who did you see being a good helper today? Did you have a chance to help anybody?
  • When were you loving and kind today? When weren't you loving or kind?
  • What do you think God wants you to remember tomorrow? Let's pray for him to help you with that!
