Church League Baseball

Are you ready to hit it out of the park? Our co-ed baseball team is now recruiting players for the upcoming season! Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out, we welcome players of all skill levels to join us for some fun and friendly competition. 

Our team is open to both men and women. Joining our team is a great way to meet new people both at Evergreen and other local churches in the area. So, grab your glove, dust off your cleats, and sign up today!


Date: Tuesdays (Starting May 7) 

Time: 7:00 or 8:15 

Location: Wind-del Park (Windham Centre)

Tournament Details: August 16 & 17 

Ages: 13+ 

Cost: $40 

Register here:


*Allen Klassen (Coach) 519-427-7869 (Text or Call after 5:30) 

*Trish Visser (Deacon of Life Transformation) 519-771-2997 (Text/Call)
